Best Quality

It’s content strategy gone awry right from the start are wasn’t

Online Payment

Forswearing the use of Lorem Ipsum wouldn’t have helped.

Fast Delivery

It’s like saying you’re a bad designer, use less bold text, italics.

About Us

M/s promise automation  is established in 2013 , New Delhi .M/s promise automation start with the trading of industrial product and application solution for the automation.
In 2014 we start  developing  Industrial panel ( HT/LT panel, PLC panel, application oriented panels , panels for hydraulic system ) and mechanical support like  fixture development, machine development, retrofitting's, SPM, bar code solutions, vision based inspection and testing fixtures .
We have  good success rate in delivering   Rotary indexing machine , sound testing system , child part assembly fixtures, bar code solutions, vision based inspection stations, and process inter-lock.
M/s promise automation  provide the complete solution for the industrial automation.
